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Why Prusa Machines?
We went with the original Prusa machines simply because for the price point, they're reliable, robust workhorses. Our first Mk2s (now a Mk2.5) currently has close to three and a half years of print time accrued, and aside from occasional operator error, it still works as well as it did when we received it. We ran this one with both the PEI sheet applied, and printed straight onto the heated bed, both with excellent results when it was equipped with the Mk42 heatbed. Since upgrading to the Mk52 heatbed that comes with the Mk2.5, we've used smooth, double-sided PEI sheets from Prusa, Domellier, and Fystec, with some good results.
Why the Dyze Design Tungsten Carbide?
We took a punt with this one, as we backed the Kickstarter for it back in 2018, with the nozzles being delivered early 2019. Two of the 0.4mm nozzles were immediately installed on out Mk2.5's. First impressions of the nozzle were excellent, and so we ordered more in both 0.4mm and 0.6mm. Now all our machines, except the e3D Tool Changer have one of these nozzles installed. They print NylonG and X beautifully, leaving a nice buttery look, and have handled all the other filament types we've thrown at them well.
Multi-material Printing Options
Currently we have the Prusa Research MMU v2 and a Pallete 2 Pro, with a 3D Chameleon 4-way on order for multi colour/multi-material printing.
While we would love to sing the praises of the MMU v2, we've found it hugely unreliable, requiring near constant babysitting regardless of how much tweaking and calibtrating is done. It constantly jams on us in one way or another, causing failed prints and plastic waste.
The Pallette 2 Pro from Mosaic Manufacturing was really simple to install and calibrate compared to the MMU 2, and after close to 2 months of use, hasn't produced a failed print or splice yet. We can certainly say that user error, or bad slicing has caused the failures we have experienced with this particular unit.
We saw the 3D Chameleon showcased on some prominent 3D printing/maker Youtube channels at the Midwest Rep-Rap Festival 2019 and thought it was a brilliant idea with such a simple implementation, so after much thought, we ordered one when they became available for the Prusa MINI, back in Decemeber. Definitely looking forward to seeing how it compares to the options we have.