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August Update.

Wesley Peile

In the month since we installed the new ruby nozzle from 3D Prima to our Mk3, we've been busy testing. Sadly there's little the write home about as all the prints we did with it failed ragardless of the filament we were using. Sufficed to say that it only lasted 2 weeks on the machine before we were forced to swap it out for another nozzle after a particularly bad failure, and clog that left us having to re-build the hot-end.

We chose to go with the Dyze Design 0.6 mm tungsten carbide nozzle. Like it's 0.4 mm cousins, it prints beautifully. Below you can see one of our vape stands 3D printed in Matterhackers NylonG blue, on the Mk3 using the 0.6mm nozzle. However, we've not been able to print much with it of late as the computer we use to control the 3D printers via Repetier or Pronterface blew a number of capacitors on its motherboard, and we're currently debating what to replace it with. We don't print via the SD card function on the printers as we find overall we have less control if we have to pause the print for any reason. We hope to be back up and running soon.

3D Printed vape stand in Matterhackers NylonG printed with a Dyze Design 0.6 mm tungsten carbide nozzle, on the Mk3.
Vape Stand

At the beginning of August, we also took delivery of an Eryone Thinker 3D printer, but unfortunately we've not been able to play around with it due to the lack of space we currently have. It was intended for it to eventually replace the Alfawise U10 we have, that rarely gets used anymore. While the build volume is smaller than the U10, the Thinker still has a greater volume than the Prusa machines, while hopefully maintaining a similar ease of use as the Prusas.

None of the links provided above in this article are affiliate links, or otherwise sponsored, and are purely provided for reference purposes. If you're intersted in purchasing one of our vape stands, then please visit our shop.



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