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We are a 3D Printing service based just South of Oxford, U.K..
We 3D print models using fused deposition modelling techniques, utilising in-house designs, or designs you submit to us. If you wish to submit a design for printing, please send it in accurate .stl format to info@3dprintinginfocus.com, along with:
Single colour or multicolour print.
What colour(s) filament
How many pieces (minimum order quantity for all prints under 500g is 20 pieces)
When you'd need the prints by
Once we have all these details, we'll be able to provide you with a quotation for the work required, including material costs.
We 3D print with a variety of materials, the most common being PLA based filaments, including Colorfabb PLA/PHA, Polyalchemy Elixir PLA, Protopasta HTPLAv3, and Sunlu PLA+. We also print regularly in engineering grade plastics, such as Colorfabb XT and nGen, and Filamentive bioPC.
Both of our Prusa Mk 2.5's are fitted with 0.4mm Dyze Design tungsten carbide nozzles, our Mk3 is fitted with a 0.6mm tungsten carbide nozzle, and the MINI is equipped with a 0.4mm tungsten carbide. We have printed and tested: Protopasta Steelfill PLA, Colorfabb XT, XT-CF, and PA-CF; Sunlu Woodfill, Matterhackers NylonG and NylonX, Filamentum Flexfil 98A, and Ninjtek Cheetah flexible filament.
For multi-material printing we currently have in stock a Prusa Reasearch MMU v2, which can be equipped to our Mk3, and a Mosaic Pallette 2 Pro, which we have calibrated to one of our Mk2.5's. On order, we have a 3D Chameleon 4-way buffer.

3D Benchy "torture test" prints in various filaments
What we do:
Microsoft Surface Pro4 Cooler in Colorfabb PA-CF